Innovative Music & Art Experiences We produce records, art and valbums® (our signature format sound and visual albums) as well as other collaborative and hybrid projects that merge and push the envelopes of music and the arts.

We dig the past and create the future... We are the Now!

Scenius Artists

Projects by our music and multimedia artists

The ManFish

Music , multimedia mixtapes

Pleiades Man

Nearby star systems bring it

Intergalactic Intermedia music and visual
ManFish & Beans

One of the all-time great rapper poets... evah!

The Shades

Shawn Lee & Aquaman get down on the 1

SMS Sada, Mikey &Steve give us "Everything"

The Artists

The ManFish (UK)

Dimitri Adams

Hazkem (DDR)

Pleiades Man (USA)